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Tree Form - Large Trees and Limited Space - Advantages to Maintaining a Central Leader

Trees come in Two general shapes.  Excurrent ( conical shape)  and Decurrent (Canopy or Spreading trees) .  Homeowners who  have limited yard space may want to avoid larger trees and especially large trees with spreading canopies.  Spreading trees  have the following disadvantages


  •  They extend over neighbour's properties.

  • They often produce too much shade.

  •  they tend to be more prone to storm damage .

  •  They extend over houses , sheds and garages and become a hazard .

There are several trees that can be maintained 

 Several trees species are naturally conical in shape such as Katsura, little leaf linden, Tulip  and the conifers (spruce , pine , cedar).

Some large  trees are just meant to be Canopy trees such as Honey Locust or Beech trees or Norway Maple (as they get older) so  have adequate space for these trees trees if you go this route.  

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This oak has a defined main central Leader.  If possible, maintaining this shape is desired in  limited space as compared to the tree below


This Silver Maple is a disaster waiting to happen.  It has multiple primary stems (trunks) with no central leader.  The spreading trunk limbs will need to be severely cut back before physics takes over (torque) and a large limb comes crashing down on the house.  Not to mention there will be a large wound at the base of the tree meaning rot will set in.  

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